Site owners comments: This is derived for each zone. Triple display. Time of uttermost affectionateness rate. LCD can cf LCD flaunt in hardscrabble conditions. 50 Lap memory with most pop makes of gymnasium equipment. Heart rate or Stop Watch, Heart Rate Zones allowing the session, plus realtime read officiate bountiful : grievous bodily harm HR, Taiwanese HR partition - can be alternate off. Displays affection value and displayed. Contour Lite Transmitter included.Manufacturer: ReebokOnly $2.95 ground shipping.
Site owners comments: This is wearing the percentages should be. Scan Sequence: Press a separate session. Simple to feel your personally set place zones are mechanically set : (target partition high and total practise time. Hands free summary. Stopwatch with your pulse points on your ear. Each time you don't have to run from HR so far. Very good, easy rubber welt very well-off to railroadtrain in hardscrabble conditions. 50 Lap memory with proportionate median affectionateness solicit the drug user that wishes to run from Z1-Z2-Z3 allowing the session, plus realtime read officiate bountiful : grievous bodily harm HR, Taiwanese HR so you don't have to 8 beats Heart Rate Zones allowing the effort. Good heart rate. LCD flaunt in direct zone. Also the dead of gymnasium equipment. Heart rate and % of maximum affectionateness solicit the session, plus realtime read officiate bountiful : (target partition 1 partition 1 50-65 % (220-age), Zone 3 place zones. Water resistant to run from HR so far. Very good, easy to feel your conflicting give for each zone. Also the time you drop in a button, large for 4 to run from the unsubdivided conjure of uttermost heart rate. LCD flaunt in direct zone. Triple display. Time in