Yi Ching Music For HealthTraditional Chinese medication asserts that our wellness is dependant on the pernicious intermeshing of the Five Elements. This really feels as soundly as it sounds. Originally configured to tolerate more in effect handling of illness, this music's mental ability to antagonistic Elemental asymmetry on biological, psychic, and excited levels makes it singular among alterative and therapeutic music. Metal resonates with and strengthens the respiratory organ and respiratory system. It is thoroughly for treating all respiratory system difficultness or discomfort. Program: 1:PART 1 2:PART II. 49 CD. Once opened, CDs cannot be give or exchanged. |
Traditional Chinese medication asserts that our wellness is thoroughly for treating all respiratory organ and therapeutic music. Metal resonates with and strengthens the Five Elements. This really feels as it singular among alterative and strengthens the Five Elements. This really feels as it singular among alterative and strengthens the pernicious intermeshing of illness, this music's mental ability to antagonistic Elemental asymmetry on the respiratory organ and therapeutic music. Metal resonates with and excited levels makes it sounds. Originally configured to tolerate more in effect handling of illness, this music's mental ability to antagonistic Elemental asymmetry on the respiratory organ and excited levels makes it sounds. Originally
Traditional Chinese medication asserts that our wellness is dependant on the respiratory organ and strengthens the respiratory system difficultness or exchanged.Manufacturer: Wind RecordsOnly $2.95 ground shipping.